

IDEA Congress 2022 in Iceland

The ninth IDEA Congress was held from July 4 to 8 in Reykjavík. The congress was attended by Sanja Krsmanović Tasić and Borisav Matić from CEDEUM and the association IDEA, as well as Monika Necpalova, associate of CEDEUM. After a break of several years, the international theater community...

I-TAP-PD training in Dublin

From June 22 to 26, the last in a series of pilot trainings dedicated to developing partnerships between artists and teachers took place in Dublin. Seven representatives of CEDEUM were present at the training. The training was held in the inspiring space of the Museum of Contemporary Art...


In January of this year, the Erasmus+ project Be Active, Be a Citizen (BeAC) started, in which CEDEUM is one of the partners. The first partnership meeting took place in Athens in May. At the end of the year, several workshops will be held in which young people will participate...


The festival will take place in November 2022 in the ceremonial hall of the Studentski grad Cultural Center. Applications for the festival are accepted at The themes of the festival are: ecology and ecology of the soul. The accompanying program will consist of workshops and a symposium dedicated to the International...