In January 2023, the third Erasmus+ project "Gender Drama ID" began in Valencia, in which CEDEUM is involved as a partner organization.
CEDEUM, in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Athens (ETHNIKO KAI KAPODISTRIAKO PANEPISTIMIO ATHINON) as part of an expert team, is developing a new drama methodology to be applied by organizations working directly with individuals with intellectual disabilities. Four organizations will then apply this method in their respective countries and create theatrical productions. Other organizations involved in the project include CERCI from Portugal, FEVADIS from Spain, which is also the project's main coordinator, HURT from Croatia, and EDRA from Greece. The seventh partner is the Polytechnic University of Valencia, responsible for creating the website and online platform.
The second project meeting, alongside numerous Zoom meetings, took place in Athens at the end of June 2023. The meeting included a brief training session for the GENDER DRAMA-ID project, led by Clio Fanouraki, Michaela Antoniou, and Sanja Krsmanović Tasić.

Main Project Objectives:
- The project aims to enhance the competencies of individuals with intellectual disabilities in the direction of gender equality through drama-based education.
- Women with intellectual disabilities face triple discrimination, experiencing additional disadvantages compared to men with intellectual disabilities and women without disabilities, which increases their vulnerability.
- Both men and women with intellectual disabilities (referred to as PID - persons with intellectual disabilities) must be aware and trained to understand the relevance of gender issues, identify inequalities affecting their lives, take action, and actively work towards changing their own behavior and the behavior of other actors in society.
- Drama-based training (DBT - drama-based training) focuses on creating behavioral change through physical experience, critical thinking processes, and values education.
- The GENDER DRAMA-ID project was initiated with the goal of enhancing the competencies of individuals with intellectual disabilities (OSIR) towards gender equality through drama-based education (Drama Based Training - DBT).

General Objectives are as follows:
- GO1; Develop an inclusive and accessible DBT methodology (DOM) based on action-oriented learning principles to increase the knowledge, skills, and attitude change of OSIR toward gender equality.
- GO2; Develop a Trainer's Guide to improve the implementation of DOM.
- GO3; Develop a training materials set for OSIR to enhance their successful inclusion in the training process and competence acquisition.
- GO4; Develop a digital training tool adapted to PID for the implementation of DOM, including a module where OSIR can record, edit, and post their video recordings, including created and performed dramatic performances for training, thereby increasing their social and digital skills.
- GO5; Implement pilot training activities to validate the quality of the training program and its capacity to increase knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to gender equality issues.
- GO6; Raise awareness among relevant stakeholders about the creative and artistic potential of OSIR and their commitment to the future development and dissemination of the training program.