“Togetherness” is a project initiated and developed in 2016, as a cooperation of CEDEUM and the theatre group Hleb. It is dedicated to the prevention of bullying in schools through drama/theatre creative methods. The two partners were joined by the theatre group Aps Art at the very beginning. The project consisted of the creation of TIE performances accompanied by workshops that were conducted in schools. The concept of the project is identifying the class and school environment as a community where every
individual is important and taken care of. It is also a holistic approach based on the concept that wehave to analyze and look at the phenomena of bullying taking in consideration not only the pupils but also the school as a whole including the teachers and staff, parents, and the whole environment.

Hundreds of pupils of Belgrade schools aged 10-16, many of them never experiencing theatre workshops or TIE methods took part in our two interactive TIE performances, first one „The Backpack', dealing with the theme of physical violence, and the second, the very innovative form of an interactive musical „Words of Stone“ with the theme of cyberbullying.

Also our target group were experts on bullying and cyberbullying, that encountered the drama/theater methodologies for the first time. Teachers and psychologists also concluded that our methodology is something that can easily impact children and young people to contemplate upon the topic of bullying and become aware of their own behavior. The most important influence is that young people became more active and activated after the workshops and TIE interventions, changing their role of passive bystanders.

The project “Togetherness” was supported in 2016. By a microgrant of a bigger EU project "Claim!Crossborder Citizens' Network for Peace, Intercommunal Reconciliation, and Human Security" of the “cn4hs” team. Its results and the work itself was the subject of research of the “R.U.In?” ERASMUS + project, and the project itself was presented in different contexts and Conferences through lectures, paper presentations and workshops (Belgrade, Bitef Polyphony 2016, Athens 2017, Budapest 2018, etc)
It is an ongoing project of CEDEUM and Hleb teatar.
Learn more about this project through our FB page: