PUŠ (Theatre in Schools)is an initiative of CEDEUM which aims to promote and implement projects related to cooperation between schools and artists, as well as artistic groups and collectives, especially in the field of performing arts. As part of the project two symposiums were organized under the title “For the security of children and young people - innovative methods in prevention of peer violence and cyberbullying”
2017. Symposium PUSH (Theatre in Schools) “Innovative Drama Methods in the Prevention of Violence” is organized out of the need to inform the public and all interested parties with the TIE methodology, that is implemented with success in a number of European countries. In Serbia, it is a new method, and our wish is to spread TIE in as many schools as possible, implemented by a large number of theatre groups, artists and drama teachers. The themes of the interactive performances of TIE are many. Through scenes and interactions with the young participants they are thought about and understood profoundly. This time our theme is violence, bullying, and especially cyberbullying. During the panel an online application will be presented that could be used as a tool in TIE projects orwork with children. This application was created for the needs of the ERASMUS + project R.U.IN, and the participants of the Symposium will have the opportunity to join another meeting in 2018, where the results and outcomes of the research on the prevention of bulling with TIE methods, that is carried out in Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Cyprus.
As part of the Symposium a Panel discussion will take place with the theme “Peer violence and cyberbulling”, where the phenomenon of violence in our society will be analyzed, especially peer violence, and models of different creative methods for the prevention of violence will be presented, that leave a deeper and more influential mark on the participants, thus serving in the prevention and reduction of violence amongst children and youth.
- PANEL - “Cyberbullying: occurance and prevention” - On this panel, experts in the field of peer violence, cyberbullying, participants of the symposium so as audience, had an opportunity to analyze phenomenon of violence in our society, especially among children and young people and to present their experiences of using the creative methods which leaves deeper and longer-lasting trace in participants, and like that influence the reduction and prevention of violence among children and young people.
- PRESENTATIONS: Presentation of research about the application of methods of the theatre in education in prevention of peer violence, research which is implemented in the project R.U.IN in Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Cyprus - Dr Bojana Škorc and Nataša Milojević.
- THE EXAMPLES OF THE GOOD PRAXIS: PRESENTATIONS OF WORK AND THEATRE PLAY: “Who is guilty?” with a peer violence and cyberbullying as a main topic, performed by the pupils from Geological and hydrometeorological high school “Milutin Milanković”, prof. Vesna Vojvodić Mitrović. Presentation of online application “Cyber”, for practical work with classes on prevention of cyberbullying.
- WORKSHOP:Interactive drama workshop about the use of online application “Cyber” for education of pupils about cyberbullying. Application was created within the Europe project R.U.IN, and it will be applied in many countries in Europe. Sanja Krsmanović Tasić, Kristina Mlađenović, Nikola Koruga, CEDEUM.
- ROUND TABLE: „Young people has the word: experiences of young people with theatre in education”, Presentation of the project “Togetherness” by CEDEUM and Hleb Theatre (Association “Artistic Utopia”) with participation of pupils from elementary and high schools where the project was implemented (Elementary schools: „Ljuba Nenadović“, „Vuk Karadžić“, „Milan Rakić-Novi Beograd“, High school for design, The Fourth Belgrade Gymnasium, and other schools) also the school psychologists, representative of the group for suppression of violence, representative of the pupils’ parliament, of teachers and parents.